Mercer House

Also known as the Sears House because it was built from a Sears and Roebuck kit by Robert A. Mercer, son of the original settler in the early 1900s, it was one of the few buildings to survive the 1919 hurricane and the strong winds of Hurricane Cecila. It is one of the city’s oldest and most intact residences recalling its early 20th century history as a port community. It was moved once to the corner of Roberts and Oleander, where it now stands.

An out-of-town developer bought it in 2006 and plans to demolish the house to make room for a 16-town house complex unless it can be moved again. The nonprofit Port Aransas Preservation and Historical Association (PAPHA) is trying to raise funds to move this historic house and convert it into a museum.

UPDATE: In April of 2008 the house was moved to it’s current location on the grounds of the Community Center. It was renovated and opened as a museum by December of the same year.

Along with the city’s help and concessions by utility companies, the entire community helped with donations of time, talent, material, equipment, ideas and support.  The Port Aransas Garden Club graciously landscaped the Community Center complex with the club’s money and skilled gardeners.

ADDRESS: 400 N. Alister St, Port Aransas (Nueces County)

STATUS: Saved!

OWNER: Port Aransas Preservation and Historical Association




Old Denison High School


James and Jessie West Mansion