Make a Donation
Your support makes preservation possible!
We welcome your charitable contribution in support of specific programs and projects. Select the fund that you would like to donate to from the options below.
Consider supporting Preservation Texas through monthly donations by becoming a Sustaining Member.
Linden Fire Station
This fund supports the ongoing rehabilitation of the 1939 Linden Fire Station in Cass County.
Hopewell Freedom Colony
This fund supports Preservation Texas’s ongoing preservation efforts at Hopewell Freedom Colony in Falls County.
Dr. Dickey House Reconstruction Project
Preservation Texas is accepting donations on behalf of the reconstruction of Dr. James Lee Dickey’s former home in Taylor.
Palacios Preservation Association (Luther Hotel)
Preservation Texas is accepting donations to the Luther Hotel Fund on behalf of the Palacios Preservation Association.
Neighborhood Preservation League of Alamo Heights
Preservation Texas is accepting donations in support of the Neighborhood Preservation League of Alamo Heights.
Central Texas Field Office
This fund supports Preservation Texas’s programs and initiatives within a 28 county region of Central Texas.
Northeast Field Texas Office
This fund supports Preservation Texas’s programs and initiatives within a 41 county region of Northeast Texas.
West Texas Field Office
This fund supports Preservation Texas’s programs and initiatives within a 9 county region of West Texas.