2025 Central Texas Regional Preservation Summit: The Future of Historic and Cultural Districts
Save the Date: Tuesday, June 24th in San Marcos
Historic and cultural districts have long been a cornerstone of local preservation efforts, shaping how communities protect and celebrate their heritage. The 2025 Central Texas Regional Preservation Summit will take a broad look at the state of these districts, examining their origins, evolution, and effectiveness as a preservation strategy.
This one-day gathering in San Marcos will explore the challenges and successes of district-based preservation, with a focus on often-overlooked neighborhood types, including post-World War II working-class communities. Sessions will address the impact of recent legislation and incentives, highlight innovative approaches to district designation and management, and discuss proposed policy changes that could shape the future of preservation in Texas.
Designed for preservation professionals, city staff, historic preservation commission volunteers, community organizers, and nonprofit advocates, this summit will provide valuable insights and tools to strengthen local preservation efforts. Through expert presentations, case studies, and interactive discussions, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how historic and cultural districts can continue to serve as vital tools for protecting and enhancing the character of Texas communities.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel in the post-WWII Victory Gardens neighborhood of San Marcos.
Call for Presentations
Preservation Texas invites proposals for presentations at the Central Texas Regional Preservation Summit, a gathering focused on the future of historic and cultural districts in the rapidly-growing Central Texas region. We seek engaging 45-minute presentations (including time for Q&A).
We welcome proposals that address one or more of the following themes:
Beyond the National Register: Alternative Models for District Designation
Recognizing Working-Class and Post-War Neighborhoods as Historic Resources
Equitable Preservation: Engaging Diverse Communities in District Designation
Mitigating Gentrification While Supporting Revitalization
Sensitive Infill Development in Historic Neighborhoods
Tools for Neighborhood Advocacy: Zoning, Overlay Districts, and Policy Solutions
Historic Neighborhoods and Climate Resilience: Flood and Disaster Mitigation
Green Preservation: Sustainable Approaches to Historic Districts
State and Federal Legislation: Updates and Opportunities
Preservation and Property Rights: Navigating Public Perception and Legal Frameworks
Funding Neighborhood Preservation: Tax Credits, Revolving Funds, and Financial Tools
Grassroots Preservation: How Local Advocacy Saved a Neighborhood
Rehabilitation on a Budget: Affordable Approaches to Historic Home Repair
Creative Reuse in Historic Neighborhoods
Please use the form linked below to submit your proposal by Friday, April 11, 2025 at 5:00 PM CST. Speakers will receive complimentary event registration.