Farrington Field & Public Schools Gymnasium Historic District

In 1939, Works Progress Administration laborers began construction of Fort Worth Independent School District’s Farrington Field, a monumental Art Moderne style stadium. The field quickly became a popular venue for entertainment and recreation. Building on the success of Farrington Field, the Billingsley Field House and Gymnasium was constructed at the southeast corner of the property in 1953. Today these facilities remain in use, and are beloved by students and sports fans alike. The complex is a National Register Historic District and has been used as a setting for important community events and celebrations for nearly a century.

Fort Worth ISD is considering selling the Farrington Field and Billingsley Field House property for redevelopment. The school district asserts that the field house needs $10 million in repairs and the stadium is too large for current needs and requires $20 million in repairs. The sale could lead to the redevelopment of the site and demolition of the historic structures, which if owned by private investors would qualify for 45% state and federal historic tax credits worth nearly $15 million, using the district’s cost estimates.

Preservation Texas joins with local advocates in raising awareness of the significance of this community landmark and what is one of the most recognized WPA projects in the city. In addition, we aim to raise awareness that being listed on the National Register does not ensure a site’s protection.

ADDRESS: 1501 University Drive and 1400 Foch St, Fort Worth (Tarrant County)


STATUS: Endangered

OWNER: Fort Worth ISD




Historic Resources of Tehuacana


Epperson’s Ferry